Local Business Profile
Kyaetaw- Mingan Development Project
(1) Location
- Near Kyaetaw-Mingan Villages
- Sittwe Township
(2) Sector
- Infrastructure
(3) Project Information
- Total Acreage = 180
- To develop the Port, Trade Zone, Apartments, Super Markets and MSME Zone
(4) Investment Amount
- Investor needs to conduct a Feasibility Study
* Please contact to DICA Sittwe Office at +95 432 024 529

Ponnagyun Industrial Zone Project
(1) Location
- Ponnagyun Township, Sittwe District
(2) Sector
- Infrastructure
(3) Project Information
- Total Acreage = 1800
- To develop a Modern Industrial Zone
(4) Investment Amount
- Investor needs to conduct a Feasibility Study
* Please contact to DICA Sittwe Office at +95 432 024 529

Mruk-U New City Project
(1) Location
- Mruk-U Township, Mruk-U District
(2) Sector
- Infrastructure
(3) Project Information
- Total Acreage = 400
- To develop a New City
(4) Investment Amount
- Investor needs to conduct a Feasibility Study
* Please contact to DICA Sittwe Office at +95 432 024 529

Mruk-U Airport Project
(1) Location
- Yangon- Sittwe Highway, Nan Kyar Village, Mruk-U Twsp.
(2) Sector
- Infrastructure
(3) Project Information
- Total Acreage = 638.66
- To develop a new, modern airport
(4) Investment Amount
- Investor needs to conduct a Feasibility Study
* Please contact to DICA Sittwe Office at +95 432 024 529

Upgrading Ngapali Airport Project
(1) Location
- Mazin Village, Ngapali Beach, Thandwe Township
(2) Sector
- Infrastructure
(3) Project Information
- Total Acreage = 100
- To upgrade existing airport in Ngapali (Thandwe)
(4) Investment Amount
- Investor needs to conduct a Feasibility Study
* Please contact to DICA Sittwe Office at +95 432 024 529

Coming Soon …
Man Aung Island Eco-tourism Project
(1) Village Development Zone
- 1,369 Acres
(2) Farmland Area
- 9,364 Acres
(3) Natural Public Beach Zone
- 489 Acres
(4) Natural Forest Reserve Land
- 12,649 Acres
(5) Hillside Resort Hotel Zone
- 1,758 Acres
(6) Premier Hotel Zone
- 608 Acres
- 26,237 Acres
*Please contact to DICA Sittwe Office at +95 432 024 529